Grant Work
The Department of Communications and Agricultural Education provides enhanced learning for the social science components of projects and proposals.
Faculty members provide expertise in the human side of the equation from information dissemination to teaching and learning, as well as from new media technologies to instructional technology and design. As a team, the faculty call on their respective disciplines for developing solutions to the complex social, educational, and communications challenges being addressed by research, education, and outreach projects.
Individually, each faculty member combines professional and academic experience with focused study in specific educational or communications area expertise.
Specific competency areas that these units can contribute to scholarly activities, such as grant proposals and other scholarly projects, include the following:
• Curriculum development and delivery
• Youth and adult teaching methods
• Workshop and training development and facilitation
• Communications assessment
• Risk and crisis communications planning
• Focus group planning and moderation
• Web, educational and communications usability testing
• New and social media technologies effectiveness and analytics
Capitalizing on the competencies of the Communications and Agricultural Education faculty members yields outputs that meet research, teaching, and outreach objectives. Examples of such deliverables include the following, but the faculty members work to produce what is best for the project goal
• Social media campaigns
• Information dissemination plans
• Curriculum planning, development, implementation, and revision
• Risk and crisis communications plans
• Survey instruments and data analysis reports
• Focus group data and analyses
• Client training workshops
• Assessment strategies and instruments
• Educational needs assessments/Skill Gap analyses
For more details about what our faculty can contribute to grant work - speak to our graduate faculty through email, phone, or plan a campus visit.