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Student 411

Quick Guide to Helping Students

Responding to Student Concerns (Listening, responding, and making a referral)

Who to contact (Campus Resources)

Serious Student Situations (Campus Procedures)

Campus Emergency Information (Protocols)

What can I say? (Confidentiality and FERPA facts)


Need to Know Numbers:

EMERGENCY911 or 532-6412
Academic Assistance


Affirmative Action (Office of Institutional Equity)532-6220
Alcohol and Other Drug Services532-6927
ATA Bus532-7275
Athletics Ticket Office1-800-221-2287
Campus Operator532-6011
Career Center532-6506
Cashier's Office532-6317
Center for Advocacy, Response and Education (CARE)532-6444
Counseling Services532-6927
Dean of Students532-6237
Diversity Office532-6276
Educational Supportive Services532-5642
Financial Assistance532-6420
Graduate School532-6191
Fraternity and Sorority Life532-5546
Housing and Dining532-6453
International Student and Scholar Services532-6448
K-State Student Services and Student Success532-6237
K-State Police532-6412
Lafene Health Center532-6544
LGBT Resource Center532-5352
Non-Trad/Veteran Student Services532-6432
Office of the Registrar532-6254
Office of Student Life532-6432
Parking Services532-7275
Powercat Financial Counseling532-2889
Recreational Services/Rec Complex532-6980
Student Access Center532-6441
Student Activities and Services532-6541
Student Code of Conduct 532-6541
Student ID Center532-6399
Student Legal Services532-6432
Tech Assistance (iTAC)532-4918
Wildcat Walk395-7233


 Learn more at the Office of Student Life webpage.